Reset root password for vm virtual machine CentOS 7 system

首先,启动CentOS 7系统,在选择进入系统的界面按 “e” 进入编辑页面。

往下滑,找到 “linux16” 开头的那一段,在最后添加 “ init=/bin/sh”

按 “ctrl+X” 组合键进入单用户模式

  1. 输入“mount -o remount,rw /”,然后再输入 “passwd”,回车
  2. 输入两次要修改的密码
  3. 输入 “touch /.autorelabel”,回车
  4. 输入 “exec /sbin/init”,回车 download resources are from the network, only for learning and reference use, the copyright belongs to the original author, do not use for commercial purposes, please remove yourself within 24 hours after downloading.
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