如何在 Unity 中的场景之间传递数据(和引用)


How can I pass score value from one scene to another?

I’ve tried the following:

Scene one:  场景一:

void Start () {
    score = 0;
    updateScoreView ();
    StartCoroutine (DelayLoadlevel(20));

public void updateScoreView(){
    score_text.text = "The Score: "+ score;

public void AddNewScore(int NewscoreValue){
    score = score + NewscoreValue;
    updateScoreView ();

IEnumerator DelayLoadlevel(float seconds){        
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(10);
    secondsLeft = seconds;
    loadingStart = true;
    do {        
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
    } while(--secondsLeft >0);

    // here I should store my last score before move to level two
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("player_score", score);
    Application.LoadLevel (2);

Scene two:  场景二:

public Text score_text;
private int old_score;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {    
    old_score = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("player_score");
    score_text.text = "new score" + old_score.ToString ();      

but nothing displayed on screen, and there’s no error.

Is this the correct way to pass data ?

I am using Unity 5 free edition, develop game for Gear VR (meaning the game will run in android devices).
我正在使用 Unity 5 免费版,为 Gear VR 开发游戏(意味着游戏将在 Android 设备上运行)。

Any suggestion?   有什么建议吗?


There are many ways to do this but the solution to this depends on the type of data you want to pass between scenes. Components/Scripts and GameObjects are destroyed when new scene is loaded and even when marked as static.

In this answer you can find

  1. Use the static keyword

1. Use the static keyword.

Use this method if the variable to pass to the next scene is not a component, does not inherit from MonoBehaviour and is not a GameObject then make the variable to be static.
如果要传递到下一个场景的变量不是组件、不是MonoBehaviour继承并且不是 GameObject,请使用此方法,然后将该变量设置为static 。

Built-in primitive data types such as intboolstringfloatdouble. All those variables can be made a static variable.
内置原始数据类型,例如int 、 bool 、 string 、 float 、 double 。所有这些变量都可以成为static变量。

Example of built-in primitive data types that can be marked as static:
可以标记为 static 的内置原始数据类型的示例

static int counter = 0;
static bool enableAudio = 0;
static float timer = 100;

These should work without problems.

Example of Objects that can be marked as static:
可以标记为 static 的对象示例

public class MyTestScriptNoMonoBehaviour


then  然后

static MyTestScriptNoMonoBehaviour testScriptNoMono;

void Start()
    testScriptNoMono = new MyTestScriptNoMonoBehaviour();

Notice that the class does not inherit from MonoBehaviour. This should work.

Example of Objects that cannot be marked as static:
不能标记为 static 的对象示例

Anything that inherits from ObjectComponent or GameObject will not work.
任何继承自Object 、 ComponentGameObject的东西都不起作用

1A.Anything that inherits from MonoBehaviour
1A .任何继承自MonoBehaviour的东西

public class MyTestScript : MonoBehaviour 


then  然后

static MyTestScript testScript;

void Start()
    testScript = gameObject.AddComponent<MyTestScript>();

This will not work because it inherits from MonoBehaviour.
不起作用,因为它继承自MonoBehaviour 。

1B.All GameObject:
1B . GameObject :

static GameObject obj;

void Start()
    obj = new GameObject("My Object");

This will not work either because it is a GameObject and GameObject inherit from an Object.
这也不起作用,因为它是GameObject并且GameObject继承自Object 。

Unity will always destroy its Object even if they are declared with the static keyword.
Unity 将始终销毁其Object即使它们是使用static关键字声明的。

See #2 for a workaround.

2.Use the DontDestroyOnLoad function.

You only need to use this if the data to keep or pass to the next scene inherits from ObjectComponent or is a GameObject. This solves the problem described in 1A and 1B.
仅当要保留或传递到下一个场景的数据继承自Object 、 Component或者是GameObject时,才需要使用此选项。这解决了图1A图1B中描述的问题。

You can use it to make this GameObject not to destroy when scene unloads:

void Awake() 

You can even use it with the static keyword solve problem from 1A and 1B:

public class MyTestScript : MonoBehaviour 


then  然后

static MyTestScript testScript;

void Awake() 

void Start()
    testScript = gameObject.AddComponent<MyTestScript>();

The testScript variable will now be preserved when new scene loads.

3.Save to local storage then load during next scene.

This method should be used when this is a game data that must be preserved when the game is closed and reopened. Example of this is the player high-score, the game settings such as music volume, objects locations, joystick profile data and so on.

Thare are two ways to save this:

3A.Use the PlayerPrefs API.
3A . PlayerPrefs API。

Use if you have just few variables to save. Let’s say player score:

int playerScore = 80;

And we want to save playerScore:

Save the score in the OnDisable function

void OnDisable()
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("score", playerScore);

Load it in the OnEnable function

void OnEnable()
    playerScore  =  PlayerPrefs.GetInt("score");

3B.Serialize the data to json, xml or binaray form then save using one of the C# file API such as File.WriteAllBytes and File.ReadAllBytes to save and load files.
3B .将数据序列化为 json、xml 或 binaray 形式,然后使用 C# 文件 API 之一(例如File.WriteAllBytesFile.ReadAllBytes保存和加载文件。

Use this method if there are many variables to save.

General, you need to create a class that does not inherit from MonoBehaviour. This class you should use to hold your game data so that in can be easily serialized or de-serialized.

Example of data to save:

public class PlayerInfo
    public List<int> ID = new List<int>();
    public List<int> Amounts = new List<int>();
    public int life = 0;
    public float highScore = 0;

Grab the DataSaver class which is a wrapper over File.WriteAllBytes and File.ReadAllBytes that makes saving data easier from this post.

Create new instance:  创建新实例:

PlayerInfo saveData = new PlayerInfo();
saveData.life = 99;
saveData.highScore = 40;

Save data from PlayerInfo to a file named “players”:
将 PlayerInfo 中的数据保存到名为“players”的文件中:

DataSaver.saveData(saveData, "players");

Load data from a file named “players”:

PlayerInfo loadedData = DataSaver.loadData<PlayerInfo>("players");
912sy » 如何在 Unity 中的场景之间传递数据(和引用)